譚伯羽譚季甫先生昆仲捐贈文物目錄,頁102、212、388-389&*三老碑立於東漢建武年間,咸豐二年(西元一八五二年)在浙江余姚出土,民國初年險些流入日本,現藏於西泠印社。碑載一位漢代「三老」(名通)祖孫三代的名字和忌日,三老則是掌教化的地方官名。全碑計二百餘字,字畫細勁古拙,波磔不明顯,結體偶摻篆意,書風渾穆高古,質樸遒勁。此碑為東漢初期重要石刻,反映出隸書發展成熟前之過渡面貌。此拓為譚伯羽、譚季甫先生昆仲捐贈。(20120104)&* Sanlao Stele, erected in the Eastern Han Jianwu reign (25-55 CE), was unearthed in 1852 at Yuyao, Zhejiang. Early in the 20th century, it was almost taken to Japan and is now in the Xiling Engraving Society collection. The stele records the names and death dates of 3 generations of Sanlao (named Tong), a local official’s title in charge of edification. In this rubbing (donated by Messrs. Tann Boyu and Tann Jifu) of more than 200 characters, the strokes are thin and strong yet archaic and simple. The rising ends of extended strokes are not obvious, and character forms reveal occasional seal script elements. The style is lofty with unadorned power. This important early Eastern Han stone carving shows a transitional style before clerical script’s maturation. (20120104)